We're family owned and operated- offering grab food and/or fried desserts at fairs and events around Vermont! We keep those of you with gluten free and vegetarian lifestyles in mind! Give us a try!
Locations 2022
Meet you at CC's!
April 29th, 30th & May 1st (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Vintage Market Days
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
May 7th opens at 3:00pm (Saturday)
Demolition Derby
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
July 4th, 2021 from 3:00pm to 10:00pm. Fireworks start at 9:45pm! (Sunday)
Demolition Derby
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
July 9th & 10th (Saturday & Sunday)
Rave Car Show
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
August 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 13th (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday)
Addison County Fair & Field Days
At The Addison County Fair!
August 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday)
The Vermont State Fair
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
August 26th, 27th & 28th (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Bondville Fair
The Bondville Fairgrounds!
Vintage Market Days
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
Thank you for a great season!
Locations 2021
Meet you at CC's!
Vintage Market Days
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
The Paramount Theater Drive-In Movie
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
The Paramount Theater Drive-In Movie
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
4th of July & Demolition Derby
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
The Paramount Theater Drive-In Movie
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
RAVE Car Show
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
The Paramount Theater Drive-In Movie
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
Tusk: Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
Addison County Fair & Field Days
At The Addsion County Fair!
The Vermont State Fair
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!
Bondville Fair
The Bondville Fairgrounds!
Vintage Market Days
At The Vermont State Fairgrounds!

Our Story
Mother and Daughter
Charity Swan (mother) and Charissa Swan (daughter) finally decided to dabble in one of their life long dreams- owning their own part of the food industry! Although small, their food truck fills them with joy and excitement for more!
Charity began working at fair events in a small tent back in the mid-80s, around the age of 14. Soon after starting she was upgraded to working out of stick built shacks and home made food trucks. None of which she, herself, owned. Three kids, and two hands worth of years later, her youngest child was born and in comes Charissa to the equation.
Charissa began working under the same group as her mother at just 14 herself. At 22 years old (and just as stubborn as her driven mother) she was ready to tackle the small business with her mother!
Decades after joining the industry, the mom and daughter duo grouped up and decided to take advantage of an amazing opportunity- their second hand food truck!
The girls are grateful for this opportunity and hope their able to knock your socks off when-and-wherever they see you next!